Monks and Muslims in Dialogue

A two-part presentation under the title ‘Monks and Muslims in Dialogue: Uniqueness, History, Promise’ will be held at PISAI on the 22nd October at 17.00. The event follows the three international dialogues sponsored by Monastic Interreligious Dialogue between Iranian Shi‘a Muslims and Roman Catholic monks and nuns. The first, on the Word of God, was held at the Pontificio Ateneo S. Anselmo in September, 2011. The second, on Friendship, took place at the International Institute for Islamic Studies in Qum in October, 2012. The third of these encounters, on Community, will take place at the Monastero di Bose (San Masseo) in Assisi, 17-21 October 2014. Welcome by the Abbot Primate Notker Wolf, OSB (Badia Primaziale Sant’Anselmo); Lectures by Dr. Mohammad Ali Shomali (Director of the International Institute for Islamic Studies, Qum and Director of the Islamic Centre of England, London) and by Benoît Standaert, OSB (Sint-Andriesabdij, Bruges). The presentation will be in English.


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