Christopher Clohessy at The Islamic College

Professor Christopher Clohessy was in London during Easterweek, giving a lecture entitled ‘The Chronology of Zaynab’s Presence at Karbalâ’ according to al-Ṭabarî’s chronicles’ at The Islamic College in Willesden Green. The evening was chaired by Prof. Amir de Martino of the Islamic College. Pictured with Prof. Clohessy are Amina Inloes, author of Women in Shiʻism (Gorgias Press, 2019) and Gemma Tully of Gorgias Press.

Christopher Clohessy, originally from South Africa, is a diocesan priest ordained in 1988. He obtained a License in Arabic and Islamic Studies at PISAI in 2000 and in 2006 a Ph.D. with a thesis entitled Mother of Sorrows: an Examination of the Life of Fâṭima al-Zahrâ’, Daughter of Muḥammad, at the Level of the Selected Texts of Imâmî Shîʻî and Sunnî Islam. Professor Clohessy is part of the teaching staff of PISAI.


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