Recent Activities of Rémi Caucanas

On 25 February 2023, Rémi Caucanas, affiliated researcher to PISAI, participated in a workshop organised by IREMMO (Institut de Recherches et d’Études Méditerranée Moyen-Orient, Paris) on Mediterranean religious figures with a paper entitled : “Quel dialogue interreligieux aujourd’hui en Méditerranée?”. At the same event, Florence Javel presented the trajectory of Maurice Borrmans, M.Afr. (1925-2017), former professor of PISAI and founder of the journal Islamochristiana.

On 8 March 2023, in the framework of the annual seminar of the research unit LACNAD (Langues et Cultures du Nord de l’Afrique et Diasporas) at INALCO (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris), Caucanas discussed the linguistic work of Jacques Lanfry, M.Afr. Caucanas presented Lanfry as an “éminent berbérisant” whose missionary career was shared between his passion for the Kabyle people and his involvement in interreligious dialogue.

Finally, Caucanas participated in the “Université d’hiver” organized by the network Chrétiens de la Méditerranée, held on 17-19 March 2023 in Lyon with the support of the Centre d’Études des Cultures et des Religions of Lyon Catholic University. The seminar focused on the issue of peace in the Middle East. As the first speaker, Rémi Caucanas offered a historical overview of Christian-Muslim relations in the 20th century.


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